spanish immersion  language school in mexico cuernavaca

Immersion Spanish Language School in Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico


Spanish for Health Care Professionals
  • Spanish for Physical Therapists
  • Spanish for Medical Students
  • Spanish for Sports Medicine
  • Hospital and Doctor's Office Personnel

Spanish for Medical Professionals

  • Spanish for Doctors
  • Spanish for Nurses
  • Spanish for Midwives
  • Spanish for Dentists
Spanish for Educators
  • Spanish educators who teach Spanish
  • Bi-lingual Teachers who teach at home or abroad
  • ESL Teachers
  • Spanish Teachers
  • ESL Teachers
  • Special Education Teachers
  • Speech Therapists
  • School Administrators
  • School Psychologists
  • Nutritionists

Spanish for Therapists

  • Social Worker Spanish Courses
  • Psychologists Courses in Spanish
Spanish for Law Enforcement 
  • law enforcement spanish for police department staff
  • enforcement law spanish survival for police officers in the field 
  • immigration law spanish for INS officers
  • Spanish for Lawyers and Paralegals

Spanish for Business People

  • Executives
  • Secretaries
  • Import/Export
  • Factory Managers
  • Spanish for Airline Personnel
  • Spanish for Film Makers
  • Spanish for Proficiency Exams

Spanish Immersion Program

Looking for a Spanish immersion program? Try Spanish in Mexico!  ENCUENTROS is a Spanish school in Cuernavaca that offers a total immersion experience and guarantees fast progress in Spanish. 

Our fun, functional communicative approach to language acquisition emphasizes using Spanish in authentic situations. While understanding the grammar and the structure of Spanish is important in figuring it out, we feel that ample time must also be invested in using the language to make it more meaningful.   It is like riding a bike: you need to try it out!  Our language school in Mexico offers opportunities for students to use Spanish in guided situations. 

During the Spanish class sessions of the morning schedule (9 to 12 every day but Monday, from 12:30 to 2:30) you will be learning the structural aspects of the Spanish language using a variety of creative materials and fun techniques. 

The Conversation/Pronunuciation class, Survival Spanish and Travelers' Spanish (for beginners) and Charlas (talks on Mexico), and Visits which constitute the rest of the morning schedule offer opportunities for our students to practice what they have learned in the Spanish classes. 

Optional afternoon activities and weekend excursions round out the program and offer students additional language practice opportunities.  Finally, living with a Mexican family offers our students the chance to use what they have learned in class and to observe Mexican life-styles first hand. Speaking Spanish is the key to mastering it, and the exciting spectrum of total immersion opportunities at ENCUENTROS offers you the chance to live the language while you learn it.

Cultura de Mexico

"The food in my homestay is great. The house is clean and very comfortable. The Spanish practice with my family is great too. They help me a lot with conversation."
Ashley Edmondson, patrol officer, Charlotte, North Carolina

Telephone / Fax: 52(777) 312 50 88
messages: 52(777) 3 12 98 00
When you call, there is an English-speaking person 
in the office who can answer your questions.

Begin with the first step.
Please fill out our application form.


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