To enroll at ENCUENTROS, please fill out and submit the registration form below. You do NOT need to send the $100 USD registration fee in advance - it can be paid with the tuition and housing fees upon arrival at the school. You can pay in cash in US dollars, with a bank transfer (we will send instructions), or by accessing funds from ATM machines in Cuernavaca and paying us in pesos at the peso/dollar rate the day you pay your fees. IMPORTANT NOTE: Personal checks and money orders from other countries are impossible to cash in Mexico.
Upon receiving your application form we will follow up with a confirmation letter within 24 hours. Two weeks before your departure for Mexico we will send you a written evaluation to help us to determine your current level. This will be complemented by an oral interview your first morning at ENCUENTROS. We will ask additional questions to help us plan your course and Mexican homestay. In a just a few e-mails we will have your program and accommodations arranged and all the details taken care of before you leave for Mexico!