spanish immersion  language school in mexico cuernavaca

Immersion Spanish Language School in Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico


Spanish for Health Care Professionals
  • Spanish for Physical Therapists
  • Spanish for Medical Students
  • Spanish for Sports Medicine
  • Hospital and Doctor's Office Personnel

Spanish for Medical Professionals

  • Spanish for Doctors
  • Spanish for Nurses
  • Spanish for Midwives
  • Spanish for Dentists
Spanish for Educators
  • Spanish educators who teach Spanish
  • Bi-lingual Teachers who teach at home or abraod
  • ESL Teachers
  • Spanish Teachers
  • ESL Teachers
  • Special Education Teachers
  • Speech Therapists
  • School Administrators
  • School Psychologists
  • Nutritionists

Spanish for Therapists

  • Social Worker Spanish Courses
  • Psychologists Courses in Spanish
Spanish for Law Enforcement 
  • law enforcement spanish for police department staff
  • enforcement law spanish survival for police officers in the field 
  • immigration law spanish for INS officers
  • Spanish for Lawyers and Paralegals

Spanish for Business People

  • Executives
  • Secretaries
  • Import/Export
  • Factory Managers
  • Spanish for Airline Personnel
  • Spanish for Film Makers
  • Spanish for Proficiency Exams 

English Spanish Medical Dictionary

Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary 
by Merriam-Webster (Editor), Eileen M. Haraty (Preface) 

This is a fantastic dictionary. I spent quite a bit of time on amazon researching the best Spanish/English Dictionary. This one lives up to all of the positive reviews below.

I have found this to be very helpful. One nice feature is that if you look up a conjugated verb, it actually appears in the dictionary with a cross reference back to the unconjugated verb.

It also has several tenses of the words, so you can say the right thing even if you're wanting to speak in the past tense. I also like the sample sentences that it gives for many can easily see how the word would actually be used.

 It's also conveniently small in width and height. But still packs a lot in! 


To enroll, please fill out our application form.

Telephone / Fax: 52(777) 312 50 88
messages: 52(777) 3 12 98 00

When you call, there is an English-speaking person
in the office who can answer your questions.

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