spanish immersion  language school in mexico cuernavaca

Immersion Spanish Language School in Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico


Spanish for Health Care Professionals
  • Spanish for Physical Therapists
  • Spanish for Medical Students
  • Spanish for Sports Medicine
  • Hospital and Doctor's Office Personnel

Spanish for Medical Professionals

  • Spanish for Doctors
  • Spanish for Nurses
  • Spanish for Midwives
  • Spanish for Dentists
Spanish for Educators
  • Spanish educators who teach Spanish
  • Bi-lingual Teachers who teach at home or abraod
  • ESL Teachers
  • Spanish Teachers
  • ESL Teachers
  • Special Education Teachers
  • Speech Therapists
  • School Administrators
  • School Psychologists
  • Nutritionists

Spanish for Therapists

  • Social Worker Spanish Courses
  • Psychologists Courses in Spanish
Spanish for Law Enforcement 
  • law enforcement spanish for police department staff
  • enforcement law spanish survival for police officers in the field 
  • immigration law spanish for INS officers
  • Spanish for Lawyers and Paralegals

Spanish for Business People

  • Executives
  • Secretaries
  • Import/Export
  • Factory Managers
  • Spanish for Airline Personnel
  • Spanish for Film Makers
  • Spanish for Proficiency Exams 

Spanish Course in Mexico

ProfesionistasDuality and diversity constitute the essence of Mexico,  offering exciting alternatives to foreign travelers in search adventure. 

Mexico has something for everyone: for the more urbane tourist,  sophisticated cities and cosmopolitan beach resorts; for the more adventuresome traveler, the dramatic terrain of Copper Canyon, the majestic Popcatepetel volcano, and the thundering rivers of  Veracruz and Morelos. No other Latin American country can boast such a significant historical heritage which rivals that of any European city, ranging from sophisticated pre-Colombian civilizations with their intricate social and economic hierarchies complete with divisions of labor and splendorous art and architecture to the tumultuous Revolution in the twentieth-century with a multitude of repercussions in the organization of Mexican society. The student intent on learning the Spanish language is surprised and delighted to discover so many unexpected dimensions that underlie the surface of our magical country. On a more practical note, prices in Mexico are low and make it an attractive alternative to the European continent, where prices have gone up – especially in Spain thanks to the homogenizing effect of the European Union.  In spite international inflation, Mexico is still a bargain where a beer costs only 50 cents (in pesos) and you can find a full meal at a restaurant for under five dollars.  Whether you are a seasoned traveler in search of new horizons or a young student, looking for fun while you learn Spanish for credits, Mexico has plenty to offer you. 

At ENCUENTROS, part of the total immersion experience is to introduce our students to the many facets of Mexico. You will learn Spanish while you discover the wealth of history, culture, and fun that you can find here.   Come to our Spanish language school in Cuernavaca  to live the language of our magical country!


To enroll, please fill out our application form.

"The cooking class was great and I hope to do it again next week. I also enjoyed the visits to the market and the fish farm. I’m really looking forward to the excursion to Teotihuacan this weekend."
Lucy Munson, ultrasound technologist, Portland, OR

Telephone / Fax: 52(777) 312 50 88
messages: 52(777) 3 12 98 00

When you call, there is an English-speaking person
in the office who can answer your questions.

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